The Journal UCMaule is a biannual publication of Universidad Católica del Maule. In accordance with the university’s mission, its goal is to offer a space of critical and interdisciplinary reflection within the humanities in its broadest sense, attesting to the constant search of truth in all the areas of knowledge. This journal includes relevant and current research regarding human dignity, science, ethics, culture and arts, as well as the historical, literary, and cultural heritage of the Maule region and of the country. Finally, it is open to submissions which contribute to advancing our understanding of the Christian revelation and message, and which also provide a dialogue and a link between contemporary reason and faith.

Intended for researchers, academics, students and readers in general, the Journal UCMaule publishes original and previously unpublished articles, essays and reviews on humanities, posing the big questions, enquiries and proposals that humans have wondered about in our time through systemic and well-founded knowledge.

ISSN: 0719-9872

Convocatoria para publicar en N° 68 2025


The academic journal UCMaule opens its call for the thematic issue "Poetry and ecological engagement: Interdisciplinary perspectives on ecopoetic practices", to be published in June 2025.

No 66 (2024): UCMaule

Published: 19-06-2024


Mariana Lazzaro-Salazar




Economic vulnerability and educational inequalities in basic education centers in the commune of Talca

Vulnerabilidad económica y desigualdades educativas en centros municipales de Educación Básica en la comuna de Talca

Javiera Bilbao González, Valentina Arce Labra, Julio Domínguez Maldonado




The influence of the dictatorship and the emergence of the common

La influencia de la dictadura y la emergencia de lo común

Maximiliano Reyes Lobos




School coexistence

Crossed school subjectivities

Convivencia Escolar
Subjetividades escolares atravesadas

Javier Sandoval-Berríos, Tomás Retamal-Papic




Meanings attributed by college students to the effect of binge-watching on their occupational performance patterns

Significados que atribuyen los estudiantes universitarios al efecto de binge-watching en sus patrones de desempeño ocupacional

Bianca Puntareli Vicencio, Juan Hurtado Almonacid, Tahia Romero Gómez, Christopher Reinaga Plaza, Sebastián Guerra Navarrete, Ítalo Masías de Luiggi




The multimodal assessment task

Extending the pedagogical shift in L2 pronunciation teaching to assessment

Tarea de evaluación multimodal
Ampliando el cambio pedagógico En la enseñanza de la pronunciación de L2 hacia la evaluación

Pedro Luchini




Tensions and challenges of the family-school communicative relationship in daily practice

Tensiones y desafíos de la relación comunicativa familias-escuela en la práctica cotidiana

Marta Muñoz Chávez, Héctor Cárcamo Vásquez




Laric Poetry

A political rereading of the work of Jorge Teillier

Poesía Lárica
Una relectura política de la obra de Jorge Teillier

Antonio Rioseco Aragón




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