About the Journal
UCMaule has an editorial committee composed of:
Editorial council, formed by an outstanding group of national academics and researchers in charge of ensuring compliance with the journal’s objectives, policies (Editorial Policy, Transparency Policy, Publication Policies, and so on) and article reviews that will be included in each number.
International Advisers, formed by an outstanding group of international academics with a long record of scientific publications. Their function is to counsel the editorial council in their areas of expertise.
Scientific reviewing committee, formed by a group of outstanding experts from different areas published by the journal, whose function is to review the submitted articles to determine if they can go through the editorial processes for its publication.
UCMaule organises its articles by category:
Studies category: Includes articles that are a result of field research o systematic revisions that involve topics in the field of humanities, be it qualitative or quantitative. They must have a methodology that is in line with its research problem, and it must not exceed 8000 words in total (excluding tables, figures, and annexes).
Essay category: Corresponds to articles that are developed under a critical perspective in the field of humanities, prioritising those that are from the Maule region. It must not have more than 5000 words.
Reviews category: Corresponds to critical analysis from a primary source, be it about a literary or scientific work in the field of humanities. It must not longer than 3000 words.
UCMaule publishes biannually, first in June and then in December.
The journal will publish, in the previously mentioned months, the submitted articles that have completed the editorial process.
UCMaule receives submissions all year round.
UCMaule uses the double-blind peer review system:
Authors will not know who is reviewing their work and reviewers will not know the name of the article’s author. Each article is reviewed by two reviewers who are not from the university. When the article is positively reviewed by both reviewers, the author is notified, and the publishing process begins. When the article is reviewed in a negative manner by both reviewers, the author is notified, and the article is not published. If the article is reviewed in a positive manner by one reviewer and in a negative manner by the other reviewer, it will be sent to a third reviewer to settle the decision. If there are still doubts about publishing the article, the journal will resolve them and notify the author in due course.
Each reviewer must complete the following Key Data template and send it to the email: revista@ucm.cl
Estimated times for reviewing and publishing articles:
a) Approximate processing time for articles is 12 weeks, as long as the author meets all the requirements asked for in the mandatory steps for the submission process. If an author does not meet a requirement, they will be notified and told their article cannot go through the editorial process until they meet 100% of the previously asked requirements.
b) The articles evaluated positively by the referees will be published in the current issue. However, it is the director of the journal who will confirm to each author the date on which their work will be included in a specific issue of the journal.
Publishing an article in the Journal UCMaule will fundamentally depend on the technical opinion that the reviewers have on the article. If the article is accepted, the author will be informed the number of the issue that it will be published in. Publishing is unpaid but the author will keep intellectual property over their work without prejudice of Universidad Católica del Maule’s academic use of the information that it might include.
The ethical statement of UCMaule is based on COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) guide of Good Practice in Academic Publications (http://publicationethics.org). All of the parts involved in the editorial process, including the author, the journal’s director, the editors, the Editorial Committee, and the reviewer(s) must follow the same ethical behaviour principles.
Authors’ Duties
Authors of original research articles must present a precise description of their work, as well as an objective exposition of its meaning. The underlying data must be detailed with precision within the work. A manuscript must have sufficient details, references, and quotes so that others may replicate the work, when applicable. Fraudulent, deliberately inaccurate or discriminatory statements represent unethical and unacceptable behaviour.
Information access and withholding
Authors are asked to withhold the information linked to the manuscript under review for a reasonable period of time after its publication, so that they can provide that information if necessary.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors must ensure that the manuscript sent for review is written by them and is completely original, and if they have used third party’s works (for example, manuscripts in revision or in press, and/or applying to competitive funds, among others), they must be appropriately quoted and/or have the corresponding permits that allows for their use in the manuscript under review. Manufacturing data is an unacceptable deviation of the expected norms of academic conduct, as well as the selective presentation of data with the intention of deceiving, along with the theft of data or results from others’ research.
Multiple, redundant, or concurrent publication
An author(s) must not publish, in more than one journal or publication, manuscripts that essentially describe the same research. Presenting the same manuscript in more than one journal constitutes unethical behaviour and it is unacceptable.
Source recognition
Deserved recognition of others’ works must be always considered. Authors must cite the publications which have influenced their work.
Authorship must be limited to those who have significantly contributed to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation in the development of the presented work. All of those who made significant contributions to the study and manuscript must be listed as co-authors. If there are others who have participated in certain specific aspects of the article, they must be recognised or listed as collaborators but not as authors. The corresponding author should make sure that every co-author and collaborator is appropriately included and listed in the article, as well as make sure that the final version has been approved by them and that they have agreed with publishing it. When sending the manuscript, all authors must provide their affiliation with their institutions at the time that the project was being developed and/or the manuscript was being written.
Outreach and conflicts of interests
All authors must disclose any conflict of interest which might be of importance when reading the manuscript. All financial support sources of the project must be made known.
Errors in published works
If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are obliged to notify the editor or the journal’s director as soon as possible and they will help the author correct it or, if necessary, they will withdraw the publication.
Informed consent and confidentiality
For publications that report research where human beings participated, authors must provide information, in the manuscript, on how their research followed the requirements from the relevant Ethics Committee, including information about participants’ signature of a written informed consent. Any personal information of the participants must be protected, and they must remain anonymous; if this is not possible, they must have given informed consent for disclosing sensitive information in a publication. The manuscript must include a generic statement about this as well.
Reviewers’ duties
Every manuscript that is received for review will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. They must not be shown, or their contents must not be revealed to anyone who is not authorized by the editor(s).
Objectivity standards
Reviews will be carried out objectively, respecting the author’s, or authors’, intellectual freedom. Personal criticism towards the author(s) are inappropriate. Reviewers must express their perspective with arguments that support their assessments and recommendations of the publication.
Source acknowledgements
Reviewers must know relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors. Any statement, observation, referral, or argument which has been previously used must be appropriately quoted. Reviewers must also let the editor(s) know if there is, or might be, any similarities or overlap between a manuscript under review and other works that have been previously published.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest
The reviewer(s) must keep any information or idea obtained through the manuscript during the review process confidential. Reviewers cannot, under any circumstances, employ the information for personal use. Reviewers must not review manuscripts which can present a conflict of interest with their own work or with a competitive or collaborative process with other authors, companies, or institutions with which they have a connection.
Contribution to editorial decisions
The reviewer(s) will assist the editor(s) in carrying out editorial decisions. They will also be able to assist the author in improving the content of their article through editorial communications with them.
Any reviewer who feels unqualified to review any article, or who is aware that is aware that it will be impossible to comply with the timeframe required to submit their opinion, they should justify their exemption from the reviewing process by notifying the editor as soon as possible.
Editorial Committee duties
The editorial committee must ensure that every author is treated equally, so that the editorial process is conducted in a manner which complies with the ethical orientations in this statement.
Publication decisions
The editor(s) at UCMaule is responsible for the decision of which of the received articles will be published. The editor(s), along with the editorial director, the journal’s director, and the editorial committee, will resolve any conflict of interest and other ethical issues regarding the presented or published manuscripts according to the different prevailing legal aspects in matters of defamation, copyrights, or plagiarism. Given the originality requirement of the submitted articles, the editor(s) must make an initial evaluation to confirm that it is indeed an original article that has not been previously published, and which does not contain plagiarism, by using a software that was acquired by the Universidad Católica del Maule’s library, i.e. the institution that hosts the journal. If plagiarism is detected, the journal will follow COPE’s (http://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf) orientations for its communication with authors.
When the editor (s) are presented with convincing evidence that the information or conclusions of a published article are erroneous, they should promote the publication of a correction or retraction.
Fair play
UCMaule’s editor(s) will be able to evaluate manuscripts at any time, only addressing its intellectual content, regardless of the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy, and respecting the author’s intellectual freedom.
The editor(s), and the whole editorial staff, are not allowed to reveal any type of information about any manuscript that has been submitted to the journal for review. The only ones with whom they might exchange information is with the authors themselves, reviewers, editorial assistants, journal’s director, editorial’s director, and members of the editorial committee, if it is appropriate to do so.
Disclosure and conflict of interest
The material submitted to the journal by the author(s) through a manuscript must be unpublished and cannot be used in the editor’s research without the author’s explicit consent. The author(s) must state the possible conflicts of interest regarding the research sponsorship, informed consents, or possible commercial interests of the data it involves. Evaluators must indicate conflicts that might affect the reviewing process of the manuscript, such as, for example, having collaborated with the author during the last 5 years, or not having enough knowledge on the research topic.
Every author who uploads their work onto the UCMaule platform state that: 1) It is an original article, with themes that are congruent with the journal’s objectives, and which complies with the editorial norms. 2) It is an unpublished article that has not been submitted for review anywhere else and which is not partially, or completely, published in any other scientific, national, or foreign journal. 3) There are no commitments, nor financial obligations with state, or private, organisms which might affect the content, results, or conclusions of the article. 4) In case it is a study that involves human beings, it has been approved by a Scientific Ethics Committee. This statement is indicated in the requirement guide for manuscripts.
Every author who uploads their work into the UCMaule Journal’s platform will be asked to agree to the “disclosure statement” (signed in the guide to requirements for manuscripts) as a mandatory requirement. This statement specifies that authors keep the copyright and relinquish their right to the first publication of the manuscript to the journal.
This journal is part of the policy of free access to the information contained, under a license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.es ) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium.
When receiving articles, editors and reviewers are free to suggest partial changes to their content, without affecting the meaning of the author’s arguments. Upon the acceptance of articles to be published, the JOURNAL UCMaule is free to reproduce the contents for dissemination purposes in print and/or digitally, duly citing the authors. The authors of each article will maintain the intellectual property and rights recognized by law.
The submission and evaluation of the material received by the JOURNAL UCMaule means that the authors know and accept the following conditions:
- The authors will retain their copyright and will grant the journal the right of first publication of the work, under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they cite the author or authors of the work and their publication in this journal.
- If the authors mix, transform or create new material from this work, they may redistribute their contribution as long as it uses the same license as the original work.
- The authors expressly release the Universidad Católica del Maule from any liabilities regarding any legal, contractual or regulatory infraction that is eventually committed or may have been committed in relation to the work, obliging authors to compensate the institution for any damage resulting from the infringement of the rights mentioned above.
- Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work through the Internet (e.g. in institutional telematic archives, repositories, libraries, or on their web page), which can produce interesting exchanges and increase the citations of the published work.
It will be verified that the submitted works meet the format indicated in the “Author’s guidelines”. If these are not met, authors will be asked to make modifications to their work before sending it to review.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free (no payment or registration) access to research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The submission of manuscripts and the publication of accepted articles are free of charge.
By “Open Access” (OA) to scientific peer-reviewed literature, we mean its free availability on the public Internet, which allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles, track them for indexing purposes, embed them as data in software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers, other than those that are inseparable from the actual access to the Internet. The only limitation on the reproduction and distribution of articles, and the sole role of copyright (authorship rights) in this area, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their works and the right to be properly recognized and cited.
The Journal UCMaule uses the anti-plagiarism program Compilatioto ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts.
This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management software developed, powered and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project under a GNU General Public License. Visit the PKP website to learn more about the software.
Any special situation occurring during the receiving, evaluating and publishing process of the UCMaule that is not foreseen in this call will be solved by the Editorial Board of the Universidad Católica del Maule, according to their current regulations.