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The Journal UCMAULE is open to receiving contributions in Spanish and English, from all members of the academic community, at a national and international level. The possibility of publishing articles in other languages is subject to the study of each particular case by the Editorial Committee. To inquire about the submission of manuscripts in other languages, we suggest authors contact the Director of the Journal and/or Editor.
All articles submitted for publication must abide by the following rules:


All work sent for publishing must be original, unpublished, and should involve themes in line with the journal’s scope, that is, of research, theoretical, or of reflection. Its content must be appropriate with the nature of an academic journal. The contents must be updated and devoid of any publishing restrictions. In case of failing to comply with this, the responsibility will directly fall on the authors of the manuscript.
There are two general types of manuscripts: research articles, and other contributions.


Every submission must have a title that summarizes the article’s main idea, which must be written in Spanish and English. It must be longer than 15 words; it must be informative, clear, and without abbreviations.
Abstract: all works submitted to UCMaule must have a brief abstract, in Spanish and in English, that is not longer than 200 words. It must show, in a condensed way, the most important aspects that a reader should know about the work. It should also include keywords in Spanish and English, no more than 6, that, in the opinion of the author/s, confer thematic identity to their work and that can help the referees in the cross-indexing of the article.


The UCMaule journal is made up of two sections: Articles and Perspectives.

In its Articles section, it publishes Studies (research that presents original knowledge that has not been previously published and that presents exhaustive results of empirical research) and Review Studies (bibliographic studies that search for, select, synthesize and analyse information on a topic, either through a systematic review, a narrative review, or others). In its Perspectives section, it publishes Essays (texts that reflect and analyse a specific topic, from the author’s perspective) and Book Reviews (texts that contain descriptive and critical comments on a work that has been recently published and that is of interest to the journal’s disciplinary communities).

Each category must conform to the 7th edition APA rules, that is, the articles under the category of “studies” and “review studies” must include an outline of the problem, the objective(s), methodology design, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. On the other hand, manuscripts under the category of “essay” must have an introduction, a development, a conclusion, and references. In the case of “book reviews” should include in the header: the title of the work, author(s), country of publication, publisher, year of publication, and number of pages. And the body of the review should include: a summary of the work, contextualization of the topic, critique of the work, conclusion, and references. All manuscripts must be submitted through the online platform (OJS).


Original articles and review studies must be no longer than 8,000 words (excluding tables, figures, and annexes), and use Times New Roman font, size 12. They must be formatted in US letter size, single-sided, double spaced, with continuous numbering placed on the upper right corner starting at page number two.
For essays, the format is the same, but it must not be longer than 6,000 words, while for book reviews, they must not be longer than 1,500 words.


Each submission must clearly state: the title of the publication and name(s) of the author(s), information about their degrees and academic qualifications, and the institutions in which they work. The main author’s name must always be put first, along with their email address. When submitting an article you will be asked to complete a form with “Key Data,” with all the information that the journal needs for administrative and indexing processes in which it is participating or will participate in the future.


• Name*

• Lastname*

• Main institution (the one you dedicate most work hours to)*

• Academic level (if more than one, indicate the highest level)*

• Country*

• City*

• Email address*

• Postal address*

• ORCID registration number and/or Researcher ID*

• Especialty(ies) or subject(s) of expertise*

*Information marked with an asterisk is mandatory.


For quotes and styles, the article must follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA, for short) rules, its seventh edition. APA guidelines will be the point of reference to resolve any other situation that has not been mentioned or specified in these indications.

The article must only include bibliographical references that have been used in the manuscript (exclusively those that have been referenced and/or quoted), written alphabetically by the author’s last name and following the standardised criteria of the seventh edition of APA.

Bibliography Examples:

a) FOR BOOKS: Last name, Name Initial. (Year). Book title. Editorial.
b) FOR JOURNAL ARTICLES: Last name, N., Last name, N., & Last name, N. (Year). Article’s title. Journal’s name, volume(number), starting page number-end page number. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxx
c) FOR BOOK CHAPTERS: Last name, N., & Last name, N. (Year). Title of chapter. In N. Last name (Ed), Book title, (pp. xx-xx). Editorial.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to add formal modifications which are considered appropriate in the application of previous norms, without ever affecting the content of the works.


They will be presented in an editable format with Arabic numerals in a font size that allows maximum reading clarity. The indication for the font is like that of the bibliographical references –author and year– in parenthesis. Attach tables, graphics, and figures in the right digital format for printing (for example: JPG in 200 or 300 dpi) in separate files, with their own titles and indications as applicable.

For tables, graphics, charts, and figures, the seventh edition of APA indicates that the following components must be included:

  1. Number: must include the number of tables, graphics, charts, or figures, numbered according to the order of appearance in the article (Table 1… etc, Graphic 1). Use bold to present it in the text.
  2. Title: place the title under the number of the table, figure, etc. in italics. The title must be brief and descriptive.
  3. Quoting text elements: when quoting some of the descriptive elements within the text, it must be done by the title with which it appears (e.g. Table 1, Figure 2, Chart 3). Avoid using expressions such as “the figure below,” or “the table on page fifteen.”


Names and email addresses sent to UCMaule will be exclusively used for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be available for any other purpose or for any other person.

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This work (or important parts of it) is unpublished and will not be sent to other journals while waiting for Journal UCMaule editors’ response.
  • The article is no longer than 8,000 words in the case of studies, 6,000 words if it is an essay, or 1,500 words in the case of book reviews.
  • It includes an abstract of up to 200 words, both in Spanish and in English.
  • I have downloaded and filled the “Key Data” document with all of the main author’s and co-authors’ information, including their ORCID profile numbers.
  • The bibliography is written in the international style required by the journal (APA 7th edition rules).
  • If the study corresponds to an investigation that involves human beings, it has been approved by a Scientific Ethics Committee. The name of the approving Ethics Committee or Review Board, and the approval number/ID must be included in the manuscript, preferably in the Methods section. It is also preferable for authors to include more detail regarding the ethical considerations of the study than just mentioning, for example, “Approval was obtained from the local ethics committee record N°…”.
  • The manuscript was organized according to the Author’s Guidelines in the ‘About Us’ section of the journal.
  • Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the author who will be in touch with UCMaule are indicated.
  • Author(s) states that the article is original, unpublished, and that they do not have financial obligations with state, or private, organisms which might affect the article’s content, results, or conclusions.
  • All authors agree with relinquishing the distribution rights to the Journal UCMaule, where the authors keep their copyrights and yield their rights for first publication to the journal.
  • The file is in Microsoft Word format.